1 Kings 11:1a,3b-4 - Now King Solomon loved many foreign women… And his wives turned away his heart. For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not wholly true to the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father.

Use a hammer to drive a nail and it’s a great tool. Use a hammer to smash a window and it’s a destroying weapon.

God created us in the Garden in at least two ways:

  1. To know him, love him, obey him, and walk with him
  2. To love one woman who helps us do #1

Live according to these ways and we have great wholeness. Break these ways and we end up broken.

Broken relationships with opposite sex partners especially mess us up.

And so it is that Jesus teaches:

Matthew 5:28 - I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

We wonder - how is this possible? How is this adultery?

Lust is the infant that develops into choking sexual sin. Solomon’s wives “turned away his heart” from God - the one central Love. That’s adultery.

Lust drags us away from God also. Lust breaks us and, Jesus seems to say, turns our heart away from Love.

Porn and other sexual sin is the loving of “many foreign women” (or anyone not your spouse). They’re not intended for us. And they’ll destroy us, cutting us off from knowing God as we should.

May the Spirit help us put away all sexual sin - especially in its most tiny forms like lust. As with any other kind of sin, may we put it to death. May we stop destroying ourselves with sin but be violent in destroying things that stand between ourselves and God. May he show us all his ways and paths clearly!